If you’re looking to manage your weight, you need to know how many calories in a bottle of wine.
Most people don’t wonder when they open a bottle of wine, how many calories there are in it. But now that you’ve read this, I wager you will.
We all want to lead wholesome, calorie-conscious lives, but it can be challenging to do so when wine is so alluring! Unfortunately, wine does contain calories—and much more than one would anticipate, as with all wonderful things.
Learn how many calories are in a bottle of wine by reading on.
Table of Contents
Sorting Out Calories in a Bottle of Wine
A glass of wine typically contains 123 calories, which is the truth.
And given that a bottle of wine typically yields 5 glasses, that gives each bottle about 615 calories. Which wine has the most calories, then?
A white wine bottle contains how many calories?
- Calories in white wine – 120 calories per 5 fl oz serving
The number of calories in a bottle of red wine
- Calories in red wine – 125 calories per 5 fl oz serving
The number of calories in a bottle of rose wine
- Calories in rose wine – 105 calories per 5 fl oz serving
Related Post: How Many Calories In A Bottle Of Red Wine?
What Affects Wine Calories?
Nearly everything we consume contains calories, unless you’re only drinking water, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Calories have a bad reputation because many people think they are unhealthy, but that isn’t actually the case.
The fundamental energy units in food that we need for our organs to function are called calories. Sadly, consuming too many calories can lead to weight gain.

Carbohydrates, sugar, starch, protein, and fat are all sources of calories. The sugar found in grapes provides the calories in wine. Wine contains calories in direct proportion to the amount of sugar in a grape. However, let’s be honest: when we’re at the store, we’ll be wondering if the wine is good, not about what grapes it’s made of! Knowing the type of grapes used would be a good clue!
Verifying the alcohol content is one quick and simple way to determine the calories in wine. Since both alcohol and calories are derived from the same substance (grape fructose), they are directly proportional to one another. Different types of wine will have different calorie counts in addition to the grapes used.
Health Benefits of Drinking Wine
The health benefits of drinking wine are vast and innumerable. Before you pour that bottle down the drain, consider your lifestyle choices instead of the calorie content since we recently discussed the health benefits of red wine.
By which we mean, if you’re concerned about the caloric content of a delicious, refreshing glass of white wine at the end of a long, hard day. Why not think of it as a prize? And rewards need to be earned…
Quick Tips for Wine Calories
How will you control your wine calorie intake given that wine bottles don’t have nutrition labels and that each bottle is unique? Here are some tips!
1. Check the Alcohol Content
As we have said, the alcohol content is a reliable indicator of the calorie content. The sugar in grapes is what gives wine its calories, and since fermentation turns the sugar into alcohol, it also determines the wine’s alcohol content.
While wine is not required to include nutritional information, it must clearly display the ABV on the bottle. It will be much simpler to move forward from there.
2. Try This Formula
You can calculate it using a formula if you want to be accurate. You will need to know the exact number of ounces in your wine glass and the ABV% of your wine in order to use it. Simply use this:
(Fluid ounces) x (ABV%) x 1.6 = Calories per serving (kcal)
The equivalent of one serving, or 5 oz., is what that means., of red wine with 14% Since 5 x 14 x 1.6 = 112 kcal, your alcohol consumption will be approximately 112 kcal.
3. Limit Yourself before You Start
You could just limit your drinks if you’re somewhere else and unable to measure your pour or check the ABV of your wine. This will give you a rough idea of how many calories you’ll be consuming.
You’ll be able to stay sober for longer if you set limits for yourself. It’s a wise decision that will pay off right away because you won’t have to burn off additional calories the following day. Thus, we arrive at our final point.
4. Burn It Off
Calorie burning is necessary! In order to avoid gaining weight, it’s crucial to burn extra calories through exercise.
Any physical activity will help you burn this off, but it’s advised that you exercise vigorously for about 30 minutes to burn off two glasses of wine. Approximately 30 to 40 minutes of light exercise, such as walking or yoga, are also advised by dietician Lyndi Cohen to help you burn off one glass of wine.
10 Things to Burn Off a Small Glass of Wine (100 Calories)
- Go bowling. When you go bowling, you could burn up to 100 calories in just 27 minutes. A simple game of ten-pin bowling will help you burn off those calories and your competitive vigor. If you dance in between your turns to the corny music, you might burn more calories.
- Walk the dog. If you pick up the pace, you could burn up to 100 calories in just 18 minutes. Taking Fido for a daily walk should be a habit by now, but if you need more motivation, picture the condensation in your wine glass in a few hours rolling seductively down the stem. Walkies!
- Go food shopping. Yes, you could burn 100 calories during your weekly food shopping trip in just 38 minutes. Who knew that walking up and down the supermarket aisles would be so exhausting?
- Skip. Yes, use your child’s skipping rope to your advantage and fight your way through 100 calories like Rocky Balboa. Increase the intensity by turning up the theme song, then try to burn 100 calories in less than 8 minutes.
- Take the kids’ roller skating. Of course, you’ll be more concerned with staying upright and keeping up with the kids than just keeping track of how many calories you’re burning off. However, if you persevere for just 12 minutes, you’ll have earned this evening’s glass of wine.
- Cooking. Studies show that if you cook your food from scratch, you could burn up to 100 calories in 33 minutes by pacing around your kitchen, though the calories you burn here are probably used up when you eat what you just made.
- Housework. Hear us out: doing an hour’s worth of ironing typically results in 128 calories being burned. The simplest amount of calories you’ve consumed came from that and binge-watching that box set.
- Clean out your garage. Since you’ve been meaning to get rid of all that clutter for years, why not wager this evening’s glass of wine that you can eliminate it all in 38 minutes while burning 100 calories?
- Go fishing. You would be mistaken if you believed that fishing involved nothing more than relaxing by still waters while watching fish swim by. Fishing expends 100 calories in a mere 30 minutes
- Nothing. I’ve got a fun fact for you. We humans must burn calories in order to function, so simply sitting still burns calories. The average person will expend 68 calories while doing nothing but sitting on their behinds for an hour. Think about the things you could accomplish if you had two hours to yourself.
Read More: Is Drinking a Bottle of Wine a Day Too Much?
In Summary: How Many Calories in a Bottle of Wine?
Wine definitely has calories and drinking one too many glasses could be like eating a burger. Although the number of calories in each bottle of wine will always vary, at least you now have a better idea of it. After all that, always keep in mind that wine should be savored, calories and all!
So feel free to indulge in as much wine as you like, just be careful of how much you consume and what you do afterwards.
Read More:
How Many Calories in a Bottle of White Wine 750ml?
A 750mL bottle of white wine contains an average of 600 calories.
How Many Calories in a Bottle of Red Wine 750ml?
A bottle of red wine 750 ml contains 625 calories.
How Many Calories in a Bottle of Rose Wine?
Standard rose 750ml wine bottle sizes contain an average of 625 calories.
How Many Calories in a Bottle of Sauvignon Blanc?
A standard 750ml bottle of Sauvignon Blanc will contain around 600 calories and 15g of carbs.